Category: Construction -> Flooring, Stairs
Country: All countries
 OA penel is fit for intelligent office building,classroom or places need to be raised, dust-free or waterproof. The manufacturing method and technology are similar to steel panel with either slicing or riveting to complete.The complex and multifunctional intelligenized buildings have various joints. OA panels provide the double outlet boxes to avoid the unnecessary inconvenience,installed by beamless angle bars, the panels are firm, stable and easy to handle.
1. All steel assembly structure[...] Details...  Anti-static steel cement panel’s surface is phosphoretted, antirust and treated with epoxy powder coating. The inner cavity is filled with light weight foamed cement.With the bottom sheet stretched entirely and the four edges riveted, The panel is made on the advanced assemble line, and is characterized as surface smooth, bearing strength high, electric conduction excellent,shockproof and corrosionproof with a life span 3-5 times longer than ordinary panels.The products are used widely in all kinds[...] Details...  1. Lifetime is on the top grade of composite flooring tile
2. Weather resistant, suitable from minus 40 to 60 Celsius
Necowood Outdoor DIY decking
Necowood Wood-Plastic Composite Decking Tiles range is designed for maximum service life in the most demanding, fully exposed exterior situations. Features high impact strength and hard wearing wood-plastic composite slats for maximum resistance to decay and insect attack (including termites) and high fire resistance.
Necowood composite flooring[...] Details...  We are top manufacturer of wpc(wood plastic composite) decking,fencing,garden screen,furniture and etc in China since 2003 year. our material made of 42% PP,PE or PVC, 50% wood or bamboo fibre and 8% additives. water-proof, recyclable and eco-material !
Contact person :Tony Wan
email: tonywan2008@yahoo.com.cn[...] Details...  Samopoziomująca, szybkowiążąca cementowa masa szpachlowa do wykonywania równej i gładkiej warstwy pod płytki ceramiczne, wykładziny dywanowe i PCV, parkiet i inne na podłogach cementowych, starej okładzinie ceramicznej itp. Do układania ręcznego i mechanicznego. Do stosowania wewnątrz.
Czas użycia rozrobionej masy ok 20 min.; lekki ruch pieszy po ok. 4-8 godz.[...] Details...  Sprzedaż:
- parkiet
- podłogi z drewna krajowego i egzotycznego
- cyklinowanie bezpyłowe
- układanie podłóg parkietów
- lakierowanie
- olejowanie
- montaż listew przypodłogowych[...] Details...  Do sprzedania parkiet pałacowy taflowy gr. 22 mm z elementami intarsji[...] Details...  Oferta hurtowa - mozaika dębowa gr. 8 mm. kl. RUSTIKAL[...] Details...  Płytki podłogowe z łupka Silver Grey o wymiarach 30 x 60 cm. Oferujemy w czterech rodzajach wykończenia powierzchni: polerowana, antykowana, szczotkowana i naturalnie łupana.[...] Details...  Teak Outdoor Flooring is suitable for outdoor purposes such in the swimming pool area, terrace, garden, and even ship deck. It is tropical Hardwood which has got rich texture.
feel nature at your feets by installing teak outdoor flooring, decking in your home, garden, apt...housing estates..... etc
Grade A&B Mixed
Mc is 11% or less KD
Colour , Gold brown ( light , medium)
Those who are interested feel free to contact us by email or fax
Mktr[...] Details...